Counting clicks – in how many clicks will you buy a ticket to Berlin? (REPORT)

A report in the series “Counting clicks”. This time we looked at – in how many clicks will you buy a ticket to Berlin?

It is not true that every function in a digital system should be within a maximum of three clicks. Other criteria are much more important, such as the popularity of the function, the context of the recipient, its role, the objectives to be achieved, and the design of the overall information architecture.

Online ticket purchasing services have a lot in common with online stores (the purchasing process consists of similar stages). Considering the specificity of the product, which is an online airline ticket, we divided the online journey into 4 stops, distinguishing: searching and selecting the connection, necessary passenger information, possible additional options, and the payment process (which is also present in a similar form in the standard e-commerce process).

We conducted the study in April 2023. The test covered the path of purchasing a ticket for a trip to Berlin from selected European cities.

We examined the shortest user path from starting the search on the carrier’s website to buying the ticket. The minimum number of clicks includes buying a one-way ticket for one adult without any additional personalisation.


In how many clicks will you buy a ticket to Berlin?

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So would you like to know in how many clicks will you buy a ticket to Berlin?